Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt? 3 Key Questions To Ask Before Getting Laser

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Imagine never having to shave again.

Between bothering with shaving cream and the small cuts we give ourselves from time to time, shaving quickly becomes a hassle. It's not a quick process, and it's not something to attempt if you're short on time.

Not to mention, razors are expensive. It's aggravating to consistently change them out because they become useless after a certain number of times. Imagine not having to deal with all of this anymore.

Stop only imagining with laser hair removal. You might be wondering, "Does laser hair removal hurt?" This question, among others, is important to ask, so keep reading below for three things you need to ask before the process.

1. Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

This is the most common question people ask when it comes to laser hair removal. According to the experts, the pain depends on the person.

Everyone has a different pain tolerance so some people may be extremely more sensitive to the process than others. The level of discomfort you may experience also depends on what area the hair is being removed from. The skin on certain areas of the body may be more sensitive than others.

Some people have described the feeling like a sunburn, and others have said it feels like small pinches.

2. How Long Is the Process?

Depending on where you're getting the work done and how thick the hair is, full hair removal can take two to six treatments. The waiting period between each treatment is also dependent on which section of the body you're working on.

Finer hair, such as hair on the face, is treated more often than slow-growing hair on places like your back. No matter what, always be prepared for the slight smell of burning hair.

After your treatment, you'll notice the area is red and sensitive to touch. Don't worry if it's like this for the rest of the day. Avoid the sun as much as possible, and wear sunscreen if needed.

3. How Long Does It Last?

If a clinic advertises they can make your hair disappear forever, don't believe them. While laser hair lasts for a while, it's not a permanent thing.

Don't be discouraged because it's still worth it. The results typically last up until a year, and the hairs get lighter as you continue the treatments.

You'll also notice the hair isn't immediately, magically gone after a treatment or two. It can take a few weeks for the hair to completely fall out.

Make Your Appointment Today

It's no secret laser hair removal is beneficial. Imagine not having to shave for at least a year. It'll save you so much time and money in the end.

We know laser hair removal seems intense, and you're probably asking things like, "Does laser hair removal hurt?" Don't be afraid to ask questions during any consultations for the treatment. The clinic will help you. Are you wanting to know more about beauty and skin treatments? Make sure you check out the rest of our site. You can find information on everything from beauty gadgets to proper skincare.