Do You Know Your Partner’s Love Language?

By Datecoachtoni @CoachToni

Many of you are probably familiar with the great book, The 5 Love languages. If not, it’s about how we express love in different ways (he identifies 5), and that knowing what yours is and how it may work well with or clash with that of your significant other can help your relationship. It’s a brilliant work that really can help all couples to improve their intimate communication/relationship.

Today is Valentine’s Day, and by now too many people are sad, angry or just plain disappointed that their partner either doesn’t care, doesn’t get it, or just doesn’t consider them enough of a priority. This is where knowing one’s love language and that of one’s partner could make a huge difference. If one partner believes that when someone loves you they buy you expensive gifts, while the other thinks it’s all about using the right words, giving flowers, and/or doing something nice like making a special dinner—fireworks could happen, and not the good kind.

If you can identify your partner’s love language, use it to speak to them on this day and the other 364 days of the year. Say “I love you” in a language they understand that will tell them you care about how they feel and what matters to them, not just what is comfortable or easy for you. It may seem to simple, but knowing what your S.O.’s values are is an important foundation to healthy communication.

What better way to get a handle on this than February 14th?