Do You Know the 7 Myths Relating to Migraines?

Posted on the 21 January 2010 by Allagrobusman @allegrobusman

There are numerous commonly kept beliefs about migraine headaches that make it difficult for sufferers to get proper diagnosis and treatment.

One. Migraines are not real (all in the head, an overreaction to an ordinary head ache, etc.).
Not true. Migraine headaches are really a biologic key headache disorder. Even migraine pain is not confined to the head, though that is generally where it is worst.

Two. Migraine headaches have a known cause.
Unfortunately, no. There have been a number of intriguing theories put forward in the last decade; however no sole, definitive biological cause of migraines has been recognized thus far.

Three. Every migraineurs have the similar signs and symptoms.
Absolutely no, they don’t. This is one of the points which make migraine headaches so hard to identify, especially if a patient’s physician is just familiar with the most usual signs.

Four. A health care provider can tell if it’s a migraine or not.
Not necessarily always. This broad spectrum of indications that can accompany migraine can make it complicated to analyze, more so if the patient is not necessarily forthcoming with their health care provider regarding all of his or her symptoms.

Five. Migraine headaches are curable.
Once more, no. Once properly recognized many migraineurs still need to devote a good deal of time and energy to managing his or her situation by way of medications, organic and homeopathic remedies, and also diet and lifestyle changes. The various available coping methods operate differently for each individual; therefore there is not necessarily even a single method of care.

Six. Migraine headaches are a woman’s headache.
Women migraineurs do outnumber the gents Three to 1, but there is no evidence this problem is sex related in some way.

Seven. Solely grownups get migraines.
Migraine headaches have been identified in adolescents, youngsters, and also even infants.

Eight. Every headache will be a migraine
Definitely not correct. Migraine sufferers can have frequent sinus, tension, or anxiety headaches just like anyone else.

Related posts:

  1. Migraine Causes Every Suffer Ought to Grasp
  2. Migraines Should Be Take Seriously
  3. What Migraine Symptoms Should You Look Out For?