Do You Know About Chocolate Diamonds?

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Precious stones have a lot of meaning in Astrology and Mythology. A curious belief about the diamond was that, if you held it with your mouth, it would cause your teeth to fall out. And to think that today many jewelers advise the owners of diamond rings that when they wash their hands they hold their ring with their teeth to avoid being left in the sink. Chocolate diamond rings are most commonly used jewelry by the women.

The diamond was a repellent for the attack of the ghosts and made it possible for the person who used it to get rid of nightmares. The diamond was used in the battles because it dissipated the vain fears and turned the warrior into a brave, magnanimous and virtuous being. Another benefit of the diamond was its ability to frustrate the magical arts and also in the case of a lawsuit, it would favor the person wearing it. If you touch your house, your orchid garden or your garden (in each corner) with a diamond, it is said that they will be protected from lightning, storms and bad achievements.

It is easily verified that when a diamond is rubbed it will pick up small pieces of paper and other small and light objects because it induces a static electric charge (when rubbing the diamond in wool it becomes electrically positive). Probably this was the fact that it caused living imaginations to attribute superior magnetic powers to them. Nobody thought of doing an experiment to confirm if the fact was true, because before, the intellectual theory was supposedly far superior to the practice of experimenting. The value of doing experiments was not well appreciated until the eighteenth century. The diamond has been attributed to be a material with spiritual powers. It was believed that they could cure diseases, avoid calamities and scare away evil spirits. The diamond was the referee of a man's fate and he could carry it in his pocket.

For many centuries it was believed that man was a microcosm of the universe and that at the time of his death, if his soul was pure, he joined the great universe; but if his soul was not pure, it migrated and incarnated in animals, plants and some precious stones, that's why it was believed that the diamond and the gems were alive.

What Are The Benefits Of An Investment In Diamonds?

Perhaps that attraction that women have towards the Chocolate diamond rings is due to the fact that in our microcosmic origins we were diamante, and since diamonds are forever, here we are all beautiful and resplendent.

Diamonds are a test of precious, exceptional, mysterious, beautiful, magical and romantic love. They are usually considered a safe investment and also provide a sense of beauty, luxury, belonging, passion and love. No other economic investment will offer you that much

During difficult times, mixed investments are recommended, consisting of:

  • 1/3 of real estate.
  • 1/3 of fixed interest values.
  • 1/3 movable property, like diamonds.
Diamonds are especially suitable as personal property because of the main advantages they offer:
  • Protection against inflation, market crashes, currency modifications.
  • Anonymity (no registration is necessary).
  • They are not affected by bankruptcies.
  • Convertibility worldwide, that is to say, that diamonds represent, together with gold, the only internationally accepted alternative currency with the same value throughout the world.
  • Value gains without taxes (= tax-free surplus value).
  • They almost do not involve maintenance costs.
  • High prestige
  • Price independence: prices are independent of government laws and, therefore, diamonds retain their value better, even in periods of recession.
  • Price strength: Historically, diamonds have recovered well from falling prices and economic crises.
  • Do not forget that gems have a significant sentimental value that can pass from generation to generation.
  • Theoretically, if a (world) war were to occur, any currency would be devalued, real estate could lose its value, new technologies could substitute resources, competition could ruin businesses, but no factor would weaken the long-term value of the assets. Diamonds Today, most diamond mines are uncovered and, therefore, with the passage of time, Gems will become exceptional pieces, just like any other natural resource. This fact demonstrates the key effect of the long-term value increase of diamonds.
  • Diamonds are, along with prestigious works of art, one of the few values ​​that combine practical use and investment: you can wear a diamond mounted on a jewel and, at the same time, enjoy your investment more safely.
  • Strong supply and demand: the expected increase in the imbalance between supply and demand supports prices and implies a high probability of an acceleration of prices.

Finally, while other luxury goods, such as cars, furniture, leather, etc., lose value over time, diamonds retain their value, precisely because of their durable and unbreakable nature.
