Do These 4 Things to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline

By Jamie Koonce @charcuterielove

1. Supplement your healthy lifestyle with CoQ10 and astaxanthin.  Astaxanthin (a fat-soluble nutrient found in algae) has been found to reduce the accumulation of phospholipid hydroperoxidases (PLOOH) – compounds known to accumulate in the red blood cells of people who suffer from dementia. Scientists now believe astaxanthin could help prevent dementia, including Alzheimer’s.  Combine astaxanthin with the neuroprotective compound CoQ10 to prevent age-related cognitive decline well into your 90′s and 100′s! 

2. Another way to prevent Alzheimer’s is to avoid large amounts of fructose in your diet.  This means avoiding fruit juice (except for lemon or lime juice).  It is also wise to minimize your consumption of fruit to no more than one or two servings of fruit each day.  Always avoid sweeteners such as crystalline fructose and agave nectar, and of course steer clear of processed foods containing corn sugar, corn syrup, or any other variation of the term high fructose corn syrup.

3. Enjoy curry spice, turmeric, and coconut oil in your food!  These delicious culinary ingredients have all been found to benefit brain function, and populations that consume these foods regularly have almost no cases of dementia among the elderly. 

4. Do a clinically proven detoxification regimen at least two or three times per year to decrease the load of toxins in your body.  One of the suspected causes of Alzheimer’s (besides a diet high in fructose) is the presence of a large amount of toxins — including toxic metals and fluoride — that can accumulate in the brain.  Doing a cleanse such as PaleoCleanse every 4 – 6 months can decrease your toxic burden and save your brain.