Do Not Call Registry Sharing Session (Blogger Event)

By Ireviewuread

How many of you out there have gotten irritating calls or SMSes like these from telemarketers:

Be it weird advertisements without any numbers or "Subscriptions" you clearly know you have not sign up for, but you have to unsubscribe from.

If you have, WELCOME TO THE GROUP! You are not the only one! As you can see from the above screenshots taken from my phone, I too am a victim of the "spamming telemarketers".

Unless you are available and feeling devilish (In that case you should refer to this article HERE to get some ideas), I bet that every time your phone alerts you of such things you’ll be miffed (especially you are doing/ expecting something important).

Well, it’s time you say goodbye to these telemarketers for the Do Not Call Registry is finally being established in Singapore!

Let’s take a little time to slide away from such seriousness and come to the question of how did I find out about the Do Not Call Registry.

I was cordially invited to attend the Do Not Call Registry sharing session by the OMY team and curious little me attended the event with a friend of mine!

Since, the event was held on a weekday evening, dinner was provided! Just look at the spread of food above!

Anyhow, as we were feeding our growling stomachs, Janet, from the OMY blog club gave us a brief run through of how this hour long session is going to be like.

With that part done, Janet handed it over to one of the PDPC (Personal Data Protection Commission) staff to tell us more about the Personal Data Protection Act:

In summary of the video, the Personal Data Protection Act is to help individuals protect, edit and control your own personal data.

After the PDPA was introduced, the topic slowly diverted to the main point of the event: Stop Telemarketers from Annoying Us! :

Basically, the Do Not Call Registry is portal for consumers and organizations to register their numbers if they wish to opt out of these unsolicited telemarketing messages and calls!

As seen from the video how this portal works is, from 2 January 2014, organizations have to check the DNC registry before sending out telemarketing messages. If the individual is registered in the DNC Registry, the company are not allowed to send them telemarketing messages (unless that particular individual have given consent).

If the company do send out telemarketing messages to you, despite registering your number on the DNC registry, you have the rights to press charges.

Screenshot taken from

If you as an individual would like to opt in to the Do Not Call registry, there are essentially 3 methods which you can do to opt in:

  1. Register online here: (Refer to the video for Step-by-Step instructions)
  2. SMS “DNC” to the numbers provided HERE
  3. Call the following numbers listed HERE

What goes in must come out. My point? Yes, you are allowed to opt out of this registration by simply choose one of the methods you use to register your number and poof you are out!

For people who wish to register their organizations, refer to the above video for a Step-by-Step guide. After watching you can start registering here:

After the elaborated presentation on how the Do Not Call Registry works and some pointers, it’s time for the Questions & Answers!

In this case, taking over the presenter for the Q&A session was this guy (I kinda forgotten his name):   

With that, here are some of the typical questions which were brought up in the session:

What are telemarketing messages?

These are messages which contains the intention of promoting their products in it Eg. Refer to the 2 messages in the screenshots at the top of this post

What considered Non-marketing messages?

  • Service calls (Reminder of an appointment)
  • Market Survey or Research
  • Charitable or Religious Causes 
  • Business to Business

If you any questions about the Personal Data Protection Commission, you can head over to their site here: or contact them via email:

If you would like to register for the Do Not Call Registry, do head over to the link here: for early registration!

Do Note:

  • You may still receive telemarketing calls and messages within 60/30 days after registrations or if the telemarketing company is from overseas
  • The Do Not Call Provisions will only come into effect after 2 January 2014 


If you would like to know more about Personal Data Protection Act, you can attend the upcoming talks:

  • The Personal Data Protection Act And What It Means To You

- Date: 15 January 2014 (Wed)

- Time: 7pm to 8.30pm

- Located at: Central Public Library

- Fee: Free

- Register & Find out more about the talk here:

  • Knowing Your Choices: Personal Data Protection Act & Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act

Taken from:

Register yourselves here:


Huge thanks to OMY for inviting me to this event. Support their pages here (Just click on the words) ; Facebook