Do It Like RiRi

By Aspirationsofglam @Aspirationsofgl
If theres any kind of woman-crush mines Rihanna.Shes really got it all.I had the pleasure of seeing her at V festival last year and she was completely amazing.

So when I saw that Rihanna' Grammys scarface Armani dress was being duplicated for the rest of us mere mortals I was very happy!
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Number 1 is from Missguided and number 2 from PopCoutureAt £18.99 and £18 I would be very tempted to take some scissors to them and extend the neckline to make it a little more daring like RiRi's.I really do adore the slit up the dress it completely reminds me of Jessica Rabbit and I think its a really feminine look and could really crank up the glam stakes!
I am toying with the idea of getting me one of these!On the subject of toying I was out over the weekend. The theme was Disney princesses and I was Ariel.I had my hair sprayed red and absolutely loved being red for the night (que iphone pic!)
I'm very tempted to go the whole shebang and go red permanently.Its just with the weather so beautiful I'm also considering cranking up the blonde in my hair a little more. Decisions decisions!
Catch you all soon