“Do I Need to Track My Macros Daily?”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Can you eat a keto diet if you've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism? How much should you eat on a keto diet? Is macro tracking necessary on the Diet Doctor's meal plans? And, can you have home-made sourdough rye bread on a low-carb diet?

Get the answers in this week's Q&A with me:

Hypothyroid and keto

Dear Andreas,

I've been diognosed years ago with hypothyroidism but now it's absolutely fine (I take thyroxine tablets daily). Is it safe to do the keto diet? I'm obese (BMI 32) and I need to get healthier soon. Keto along with IF suits my lifestyle and my taste, but is it safe?

Thank you in advance!

A keto diet most often do not affect the dose of thyroxine needed. Sometimes as people lose a lot of weight the required dose may be somewhat smaller though, but that's a small and long-term effect so there's usually plenty of time to adjust the dosage.

Learn more about low carb and the thyroid here.

Andreas Eenfeldt

Confused about how much to eat

I am a 41-year-old woman 162 cm (5'3) and 68 kg (150 lbs).

I am confused about one thing. It is advised I eat 1.5 g of protein per kg. The recipes on average is 175 g per meal does that mean I make one meal to then be my lunch the next day? Are the recipes more thought out for the avarage male and should a woman halve it? Thank you!


Hi Emiliana,
Our recipes contain about 40-60 grams of protein for a serving of one of our meals. Use our nutrition info (click to expand) and note that 1 gram of meat contains just a quarter of a gram of protein or so (it's mostly water).

Here's our full guide to protein intake on a low-carb diet.

Andreas Eenfeldt

Macros tracking

If I follow the Diet Doctor's menu plan, do I need to track my macros daily? There is so much talk about it and it's time consuming when entering a recipe. Can I just count carbs, and keep them under 20 and lose weight?

I'm 5'3 (162 cm) and want to lose 10-15 lbs (4.5-7 kg). I weigh 149 lbs (68 kg) and am 61 years old.


If you follow our diet plans you don't need to track your macros. We've done it for you. And counting carbs and keeping them under 20 per day is the most important thing if you are going to count. That's usually enough.

Find our keto (below 20 grams of carbs) meal plans here.

Andreas Eenfeldt

Sourdough rye bread - ok?

I've learned to make homemade sourdough rye bread. The ingredients are organic whole-grain rye flour, water, a bit of salt and 2 tbs of honey or molasses per 8″ loaf. I've heard rye bread is lower in gluten than wheat bread and I think the sourdough has an effect on the honey/molasses. What do you think? Is sourdough rye bread ok on a keto diet? In moderation, of course.


No, it's still very high in carbs, so it will effectively take you out of ketosis. It can be OK in moderation on a very liberal low-carb diet, depending on your goals, but that kind of diet is less effective for weight loss etc.

Andreas Eenfeldt


Intermittent fasting for beginners

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