DIY Yin Yang Nails

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

Why not add a little balance into your life with some adorable yin yang nails. Not only will these help you harness your inner chi, but they will also get tons of attention, and maybe even a little envy, from all of your fashionista friends! All you need is a few supplies and a couple of instructions, and you too can have these beauties on your nails as well . Have fun!

  1. Paint your nails solid white. I used Julep’s Brigitte.
  2. Using a thin nail art brush and black nail polish, paint a curved line diagonally across your nail. Fill in the bottom half with black nail polish.
  3. Using your nail art brush, or a tooth pick, place a black dot on the white side of your nail
  4. Once again, using your nail art brush or a tooth pick, place a white dot on the black side of your nail. Repeat on the rest of your fingers.