DIY - Simple Brush Holder

By Candyfairy

This idea made me look at my old candles just lying around ina whole new way. I never noticed before what fantastic jars and mugs I have just waiting to be de-potted, cleaned and transformed intoperfect little brush storage holders just like this one I created pictured above!
This is a pretty straight forward how-to. All you need to do is follow these 5 simple steps!
Step 1 If you have some old candles lying around, take notice of what they're actually stored in.Would this make a good brush holder or storage container?(Mine was close to becoming my new favorite drinking glass,but I wanted a brush holder more!)
Step 2 Use a blunt old kitchen knife or flat head screw driveror simular to dig out the remaining and excess unwanted candle and wax.(I got a strong, male, adult (ie hubby) to helpas mine was stuck good and proper!) :/
Step 3Give it a good clean with hot, soapy water.You'd be surprised how good they polish up.(Mine was all cloudy and black from the candle and smokeresidue and it came up a treat!)
Step 4
 If you like the clear look as I do, pick out something you want to help hold the brushes upright. I love these clear glass beads,but you can use just about anything from rice (which you can use food colourings to make it match your decor or if you're bold, make it rainbow!), plastic beads which come in an a thousand different and sizes, buttons, glitter, sequins, etc!
Step 5 Throw in as much of your chosen style of filling into yourjar/glass as you desire, then add in your makeup brushes!(This can also work well to store stationary, pens, or even eyeliner pencils and/or lipliners!)
Find a place to store them out in the open so you can admire your handy little work of art anytime you like! :)
What has been your fav DIY creation? I would love to see/read about it!