DIY Instagram Photo Display with Origrami

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
I'm addicted to Instagram and photos in general. Our laptop and my phone is just full of photos, I love how each one is a memory be it good or bad. I can't delete them incase I forget that memory! I always think what if I lose my memory? I will need every little photo to try and remember my life again.
Our Macbook has been playing up recently and one day I am scared it won't turn back on, my worst nightmare! We have backed up some of the photos on a hard drive but I still don't trust technology. I want some hard copies I can keep and display around the house to remember those memories daily, not just even now and again when I come across them on the Mac. 

I have started getting my Instagram photos printed out so I can do just that. These photos are from Origrami and I love them, the little folder to keep them in is cute! You can get locations or quotes put on to the back of them however I left mine blank as I knew I was going to be putting them up. I was surprised at how big they are (4x4") which is brilliant for displaying them up on the wall, you can still them from a distance. The quality is great and so was the free worldwide shipping. 

I got 36 of the square photos printed out for just $19.95, what a bargain! I have displayed them by doing a bit of DIY! I got the frame at a boot sale for around £4 and just painted it in a gold color to match our color scheme. I used my glue gun to fix the wire to the back and then all I did was grab some pegs, my photos and start arranging them!  

 As it's December and the time of festivities, I decided to add a little battery pack of fairy lights so they would look pretty, although I love it so much I think they will be there permanently! I have currently hung this above the sofa in the living room although I think I may move it to our bedroom when we finally get around to moving to the top floor.
I am loving having all these little memories on display for people to see and it looks so pretty, for hardly any money. I will definitely be making my way through the whole of my Instagram and doing little DIY displays like this throughout the house. 
What do you think? Do you display your Instagram photos throughout the house?
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