DIY: Henna and Coffee Hair Dye for Shiny and Beautiful Hair

By Rishiraj @beautyglimpseIn

Want to color your hair dark brown? Worried about using chemical dye on your locks? Now, you don’t need to be. Here is a simple DIY henna and coffee dye recipe for you to add a rich dark brown tint and a lovely shine to your tresses. Get the details of the procedure below:

Ingredients Required:

  • Henna powder – 5 tablespoons or as required (depending upon the length of your hair)
  • Instant Coffee (dehydrated) – 1 tablespoon or as required (there is no need to add more than 2 tablespoons as that will be enough for getting a rich color)
  • Water – 1 cup
  • One medium-sized glass mixing bowl
  • One small pot
  • One spoon
  • One shower cap / plastic cap / saran wrap
  • Two clean towels

Also Read – How to Use Henna for Fixing Dry, Damaged and Frizzy Hair Here

Preparation and Application:

1. In this recipe, we have used instant coffee as it is easy to prepare and does not consume much time. So, start with preparing the coffee. Pour the water into the pot. Meanwhile, turn the heat on. Now, place the pot over the flame and bring the water to a boil. Once it starts boiling, add the instant coffee to it. Once you are done with it, take the pot out of the heat and keep aside.

2. In the meantime, you need to prepare the towels for future use. Just put them in the dryer and toss for a few minutes. It will heat them up. Keep them aside too.

3. Pour the henna powder into the glass mixing bowl. Start adding the freshly prepared coffee to it slowly. Keep stirring with the spoon so that the henna dissolves into the coffee completely and a smooth, thick batter is formed. It is crucial to keep the henna and coffee mixture warm so that you get a string dye.Hence, take a heated towel and wrap it around the glass bowl to lock the heat in.

4. After that, section your hair in order to make the task of application easy. You can choose to create 5 sections by taking small portions of hair from the top, back, middle and both sides of your head. It will help you ensure that no single hair is missed.

5. Now, start applying your homemade henna and coffee hair dye onto the back section of your hair. You should begin right from the roots and go towards the ends gradually. Repeat the same procedure for the rest 4 sections.

6. As soon as you end up covering all your hair with the dye mixture, wrap it with the saran wrap or simply put on the plastic or shower cap. Also, wrap the other towel around it nicely. This will keep your dye warm, prevent it from dehydrating and avoid its oxygenation.

7. After 3 to 4 hours, remove the towel as well as the cap from your hair. Rinse it off with a herbal shampoo and lukewarm water. Do not forget to apply conditioner thoroughly. Finally, wash it off with cold water and dry in the air.

Also Read – Our Top 5 Mehndi Henna Kits Here

Tips to Remember

  • As coffee gives the dye a richer tint, you should avoid using plastic bowl for preparation. Or, it will get stained badly.
  • Using hot coffee is considered as the most effective way to dye our hair deeply. So, make sure that you mix only freshly prepared coffee with henna.
  • Instant coffee is available in both powder and granulated forms. Though coffee powder always gives a better paste, you can make use of granulated coffee too.

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