DIY | Egg Shell Fortunes

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

Everyone loves a great Easter Egg hunt, and with Easter being next month, I couldn’t think of a better DIY.

It’s much more meaningful than stuffing those plastic eggs with candy. Write some funny jokes for a child, or send a positive reminder to a friend. Put on your creative thinking cap!

What You’ll Need:
- Clean, empty eggs
- Decoupage or white glue
- Tissue paper
- Small paintbrush
- Paper fortunes!

1. Depending on the size of the hole in the eggshell, roll or fold fortunes and insert into empty egg.
2. Apply a small amount of decoupage or glue to the ends of blown egg with paintbrush.
3. Seal hole with a small piece of tissue paper.

xo – Josie