DIY: Christmas Crafts With Clothespins

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Wooden clothespins was one of my sources of inspiration for this year's Christmas crafts. It is a material that you most probably already have at home. So, this is what I'm not going to have at home anymore as we used ours to make Christmas crafts!

With the use of three wooden clothespins, which I joined together with a straw, I made this decorative reindeer.

I painted this one white to create a snowman.

My little one called the next creation 'angry'. Well, you can say this is an angry angel which I made without using any glue.

Another reindeer, but different from the previous one. Which one do you prefer?

We also made these Christmas clothespins by adding glue, gold dust and pon pon. Some of them found a home in our Christmas tree, but you can also use them to seal your gifts.

You can use different colours on each side. Choose the same colours that you have placed in your tree, so that you can add them on the branches to accompany your Christmas gifts.

Have you ever used clothespins to make Christmas crafts?

You can also read DIY: Christmas Tree Ornaments with Glitter Foam Paper