Disney Princesses #beautiesonfire Link Up

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Attention Beauty Lovers. Welcome to the next Beauties On Fire themed link-up. If you don’t know about Beauties on Fire, make sure to check out this post. Our next theme was decided via a Twitter poll. Anyone could vote and our winner was…”Disney Princesses.” All the AMAZING #beautiesonfire members have written posts with their own spin on Disney Princesses. I am going to share with you a Cinderella beauty look. I have also included a Cinderella survival guide. Make sure you check out all the links below and show some love (come back often to see which bloggers have posted). They are seriously so amazing. I know you will love reading them as much I have. Also, we are always excepting new members and anyone can join (see post above or rules below). Make sure you check out last week’s #beautiesonfire “summer styles” link-up if you missed it.


Cinderella is probably my favorite Disney princess. I love a good love story and Cinderella definitely has one. I also love her style and how classy she looks. She is so kind and beautiful (both inside and out). Even despite her awful step mom and step sisters, she is still so kind. She never treats them awful. I just love the story and that she wins the prince in the end. Well, let’s get to the look!

I love a good love story and Cinderella definitely has one. I also love her style and how classy she…
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Disney Princesses Cinderella Beauty Look:



Here is how I achieved my Cinderella look.

Cinderella Survival Guide:

Here are a few pointers we can all learn from Cinderella to survive life!

1.) Cleaning Can Be Fun If You Sing A Little Song


If you are like me, you hate cleaning. However, if I sing or listen to music while cleaning, it isn’t so bad.

2.) Not Even Princesses Want To Wake Up In The Morning


It is totally okay to sleep in every once in awhile.

Not Even Princesses Want To Wake Up In The Morning
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3.) Friends Come in All Shapes and Sizes


Not all your friends have to look the same. Take it from Cinderella, her friends were little mice.

4.) Even if people treat you wrong, don’t reciprocate. Be the Better Person.


There will always be people who treat you wrong. However, be the better person and don’t get them back. Kindness will get your far in life.

5.) Some Men Really Do Still Have Manners


Haha! Girls I know it is hard to find, but there really are still great single guys out there. You never know he might also be a prince!

6.) Work Smarter Not Harder


Sometimes in life, you just have to multi-task. Always work smarter and you won’t have to work so hard.

7.) Take Care of What You Have


It is important to take care of what you have. Even if you don’t have a lot, you can make what you do have beautiful.

It is important to take care of what you have. Even if you don't have a lot, you can make what you do…
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8.) Don’t Let Life Get You Down


Even when you are at your lowest in life, look up because good things are just around the corner.

9.) Look For Lifes Magical Moments and Cherish Them


In life, there really are magical moments. Always be on the lookout and never forget them.

In life, there really are magical moments. Always be on the lookout for them and never forget them.
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10.) There is Always Someone Watching Over You


Take comfort in the fact that someone is always watching over you. They are there, even if you can’t see them right now.


Please make sure to read all the linked posts below. We would love for you to show some love and spread the word. Also, share the posts to any of your social media accounts if you enjoyed them. We would love to have you join Beauties On Fire and grow your beauty/fashion blogs with us!

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