Dirty Sex

By Reporterandgirl @reporterandgirl

Hello #BlogLovers,

For those of you following me on Twitter, you know that I’ve been spreading this term around .


It’s what I do for a living.

NO. Get your mind out of the gutter! I talk about it for a living and obviously a hobby: sex education that is.

Believe it or not, in real life I don’t open up about my private matters; and it even took time for me to come around and tell my best friend about Jon* and what happened during the break up.

But I do talk about one of the most intimate experiences, that people come to have: Sex.

And I talk about the dirty parts of sex, that no one wants to deal with: Herpes, Chlamydia, and HIV etc….

When talking to a group at a health center, I had one person say that she knows she didn’t get Herpes from performing oral sex (because that’s just dirty unlike that good Christian-clean missionary vaginal sex) but she must have picked it up when she went to the hospital: she touched her hand on the back of the chair or on a doorknob and immediately wiped her mouth or nose and voilà, she has an STD.

Once, while accompanying a teen to the city health center; I was in the room while a doctor was trying to convince her that she had Chlamydia because her tests were positive even though she was a virgin (because lab tests are always right). So instead of outright agreeing to do the tests again (it cost about $60 to do a lab test vs. $4 to give some antibiotics) the doctor replied, “Well, maybe you got it from sharing towels or using a dirty one in your bathroom.”

Last scenario,

Middle-aged gentleman, who always wear a condom for every sexual  encounter, swears the only way he could have gotten HIV was when he was fingering/finger popping a lady friend. Turns out, he had a huge gash on his fingers, and I guess he didn’t think to wear a finger condom or at least a band-aid.

What do I make of these true life encounters? Well, obviously some people just bullshit. And even as a medical or welfare professional, all you can do is take them for their word. Cause I know you did not get Herpes from a doorknob, and sure as hell did not trip on a banana peel and so happen to land into some chick’s va-jay-jay and get Syphilis.

A part of it, is that when people lie about how they encountered such a fate, they are really lying to themselves. Think about it, STDs/STIs are the only class of diseases where we place blame on the patient for contracting an illness. We never ask a Cancer patient why they’re huffing around all that bad city air. You’ll never blame someone with Heart Disease for eating so much cheese, and you’ll only think of someone who has a rare Brain Tumor to just have bad luck. Unless of course, that tumor is cause by Syphilis

Yep. When someone says they have Herpes or HIV, we immediately ask , if not out loud, “Where have you been?” Because only certain types of people seem to fit the “look” that our imagination conjures up as a face of an STD. Like when this NYC radio DJ said that he doesn’t have HIV because he doesn’t mess with Haitian women.

The only thing dirty about sex, is the lies and myths that surrounds it. And I for one believe that if we see clearly through the all the misconceptions: we could all enjoy the clean good fun of gettin’ freeky!!!


As I have updated on Wednesday, there will be some new trends in the posting, on Wednesdays I have been putting out a new video to catch up with the chapter series, with our new artist Definitely Jenny! So if you haven’t already, please visit her page here

I’ll also be collaborating with other blogs and doing more guest postings as well as some life musings here at TheReporterandTheGirl

The blog has also been featured in this infographic. We are rated #29 of the top 100 Relationship blogs to look out for in 2013!  Thank you for readers for tuning in and commenting; as for without you guys, we would not have achieved such an honor.

This post will be under the “Musings and Life” category. Which can be found as a drop-down on The Writer link in the main top menu.

Good Night!

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