Dirty Dirty Players

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
Its really really sad to watch how dirty the bengals are. Burfect should be thrown out of the NFL
what an idiot. Its really really sad how bad the bengals are. They are danger to the health of players
there is no place in the league for that type of play where you aim to injure #84 for the steelers.
Also very sad that the bengals fans boo when players like ben get hurt. The bengals are are a disgrace
I'm so glad we beat the bengals unbelievable.
V Burfect could have been the hero, but instead he was the goat. How humourous that was. Several announcers have said the same thing. THe CBS guys said the bengals are a disgrace something I 'm sure felt by many people across the country.
Suck on that von TAYTAY... WHAT A **** HE IS!!!
I have a lot of respect for AJ macarron he is a mature guy and a good leader.
AJ Played a great game... To bad TayTay and Pack Man lost the game fot bunglenation...
Pshhh... Eff'em... Let the EscaLoser grind their hearts to dust...