Diets Don't Work For You? Then Think About Your Thyroid

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
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When I was pregnant with my son, I was lucky enough to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes (joke, well kinda, actually.) 

For several months I had to learn how to eat a low glycemic diet as well as prick my figure several times a day and take medication to get track my blood sugar to make sure both the baby and I were healthy. While at the time it seemed like the meanest thing that could happen to a pregnant lady with a craving for strawberry cupcakes, it actually did me a world of good. So much so that when I found out was pregnant with my second, I immediately made sure I ate healthily and tracked my blood sugar from day one. Thankfully by eating a low glycemic diet, I didn’t have gestational diabetes again and I was probably healthier than I had been in a long time (I only gained 12 pounds with that pregnancy.) While eating a low glycemic diet has long been the solution for those with diabetes, it’s now become the solution to how to break through obesity as well as boosting your metabolism by understating how to balance your thyroid. Unfortunately, it’s not just a quick diet that you can do for a week or two; it is a life change for real long-term health and weight control. Just get ready for 300+ pages... The Thyroid Solution Diet is written by Ridha Arem, M.D., an endocrinologist, clinical professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and director of the Texas Thyroid Institute in Houston. He served as chief of endocrinology and metabolism at Ben Taub General Hospital in Houston, so he does have all the cred to understand how the body and your thyroid should work together. By combining the best elements of the Mediterranean Diet and low in high-glycemic index foods, he gives you everything you need to know including:

  • Over 50 recipes and meal plans
  • A comprehensive list of favorite foods that make the diet unique
  • Detailed exercise programs with 100 step-by-step photos
  • Personalized advice for a total lifestyle revolution
  • The 15 common causes of metabolic problems that lead to weight gain
  • The hidden factors and toxins in your environment that lead to weigh gain, and how to eliminate them
  • Techniques to control cravings
  • Mind-body relaxation methods for counteracting environmental stresses
  • Compared to some of the other “diets” I’ve done, this one is not easy to follow on a first-round, but much more inclusive on both diet, exercise and how (and why) it all works together.

This book is less a diet and more a way of living. So if you're one of those who say diets don't work for you...then don't diet - just do this. 
The Thyroid Solution Diet Ridha Arem Ballantine Books Buy from Amazon for around $15 DISCLAIMER:

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