Diary #488

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

What a lovely birthday week I had!  My friends and readers showered me with gifts; Grace got me this deluxe heated cushion for my writing chair (which is like a little slice of heaven); it also has a vibrate function!  Jae unveiled the curtain project she’s been working on, which included my old sheer bedcurtains from New Orleans; I was too sentimental to let go of them, so she cleverly incorporated them into my new home.  Daedalus gave me this multi-disc set of Beatles rarities, and another of my gents sent me a case of my favorite tea AND a lovely sweater dress!  One of my readers sent me a silver coin with an interesting design, and the ladies who use my incall got me boxes and boxes of supplies.  On Tuesday I met Grace, Chekhov and Jae in Olympia for dinner, then on Wednesday night I had just a small all-whore party (which, as anyone in the know can tell you, are the best parties).  Then on my birthday itself I had a little Doctor Who night with Lorelei.  I also hear that of her gentlemen is sending me something as well, which is pretty damned sweet of him!  And I’ll show it to you (with the sweater dress) next week!