Diary #478

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

I was apparently more zonked when I got home from Washington last week than I had at first believed; I reckon the combination of jet lag, flying-related stress, flying-related drugs, non-flying-related drugs, and just plain exhaustion affected me powerfully enough that I fell asleep somewhere around midnight and woke up the next day even groggier than usual.  Fortunately I had only low-impact activities on my calendar for a couple of days (including a Who night with Lorelei last Tuesday), and Wednesday night I had one of the best cannabis trips I’ve ever had.  I really wish there was some way to analyze what makes trips better or worse, but even the actual pot chemists I’ve talked to throw up their hands and shrug.  I’ve discovered a few conditions that seem to bring on replicable results, such as restricting large doses to once a week, cycling through various brands to keep my tolerance low, and using sativa-based edibles when I want an interesting trip rather than just relaxation and sleep; I’ve also noticed that the effects seem to be stronger when I’m somewhat dehydrated and a few hours after I’ve had a cocktail or two.  But other than that the effects seem to be determined by a complex formula involving dosage, terpenes, what I’ve eaten and when, time of the month, emotional state and probably two dozen other things, so I reckon I just need to accept that really spectacular trips just happen when they happen.  Ah, well; I’m going to be experiencing a different kind of stoned this coming weekend when I go out to Sunset because Grace has picked some good stoner movies, so we’ll see.  BTB, the picture has nothing to do with any of this; it’s just a good one from Woodhull with Deviant Ollam and Elizabeth Nolan Brown.