Diary #314

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Weekend before last, I went on another long professional date, this time to a lovely cabin near Mount Rainier; we did a little sightseeing and a little hot-tub-sitting and a little dining and a lot of relaxing, and all in all it was quite a pleasant way to spend the weekend.  Oh, the exploitation!  Oh, the humiliation!  As I’m sure you can guess, I spent the entire time crying and praying for the cops to smash in the door and “rescue” me from the terrible monster who was spending a generous sum to take me on vacation.  I’m not honestly sure why so many of these extended gigs seem to take place in the summer; it’s not like either they or I have school terms to worry about.  Anyway, we’ll be heading to New Orleans for the Desiree Alliance conference on Sunday, so if you live in the Big Easy and want to see me, now’s the time to let me know!  And if you live anywhere else but would like to take me away for a weekend, or fly me to your city for an overnight, this is to remind you that you can do that.  I still don’t like flying, but at least now I know I can drug myself into managing it.