But while last week was relatively sedate other than the march, allowing me a bit of catch-up time, this week will be nothing of the kind. Yesterday started with a phone call from a reporter at about 9:15, and didn’t even begin to slow down until about 5 PM; that’s a microcosm of what the coming week will be like, so I’m battening down the hatches and getting read for the ride. Some of it is work, some activism, some personal, some writing, and most of it also requires extensive emailing or text messaging before the event itself. But it’s nearly all good stuff, so I’m not complaining! I’ve already scheduled visits with several of you during my upcoming trip, so let me remind y’all of the dates: Twin Falls, Idaho on July 26th, Denver on the 27th, Wichita, Kansas on the 28th and home on the 29th. Then I’ll be in Oklahoma for two weeks, during which I’m game to do side trips to Dallas, Shreveport or similar destinations until I leave to return to Seattle around August 12th. If you would like to see me during that trip, please let me know ASAP; I need to lock things in for scheduling purposes!