On Tuesday Mistress Matisse took me to her hair salon to get my hair professionally done for the first time in years (it may actually be the first time this century but I can’t swear to that). I was a little nervous, because I felt that the stylist would think me an idiot for telling her that I wanted my hairstyle changed, yet not changed; however, since Matisse and Jae were treating me, I couldn’t very well refuse even had I wanted to. Besides, when I came here in November I vowed to thenceforth be open to new things, and that includes my hair. And my fears turned out to be totally unfounded; the stylist understood exactly what I wanted, and the amount of hair she cut off wouldn’t have filled a teacup (and most of that was around my face). She then gave me some good advice on keeping it from frizzing, and taught me a new styling technique that…well, see for yourself! Everyone who has seen it loved it, including the gentleman Matisse and I spent Saturday evening with.
Last Tuesday I also brought in the documents required for me to get my new Washington state driver’s license, and everything seems to have gone through OK; my long-standing ID issues appear to be nearly solved, and that could mean the possibility of a Canadian tour (speaking, escorting or both) in the future! On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning I gave my annual guest lectures to the human sexuality classes at OSU, this time via Skype; my friend Drake Sherman handled the tech end for me. Drake is a talented musician, and on Thursday night we went to his concert at the Central Saloon; do yourself a favor and check out his original music! Finally, on Friday I moved into my new office space, from which I hope to catch up on my writing. I say “finally”, but as I’m writing this on Sunday I can’t speak for tomorrow; if anything else good happens I’ll share it with you next week.