Diary #237

By Maggiemcneill @Maggie_McNeill

Last Tuesday I brought Jae to the airport, and was I ever sorry to see her go; as you can probably tell from my frequent mentions of her the past few months, we’ve become very close since I stayed at her place while in Seattle last November (though we’ve known each other for about a year and a half).  The last person I bonded with so rapidly was Grace, and they actually share quite a few personality traits; as you might expect they, too, became friends immediately and have already made plans for a road trip together that I’ll report on when the time comes.  But I have a road trip coming long before that; as I mentioned in “Boy Juice” I’ll be headed back up to Seattle in just a few weeks, and I think it’s time to reveal that I’ll be spending a lot of time there this year.  There are a lot of reasons for the temporary relocation, many of them related to a desire to be more directly involved in on-the-ground activism; in the long run we also plan to turn my ranch into a center of the US sex worker community, and my time in Seattle will be instrumental in securing the backing and support to turn that into a reality.  If that sounds cryptic, I apologize; it’s just best not to announce one’s chickens before they’re even laid (let alone hatched).

The relocation is only one of several major life-changes, as I alluded to in my New Year’s Day column; I’ll address the others at the proper time.  But for now, I’d like all the prayers, good wishes, positive vibrations and financial support y’all can give, and I promise to keep you up on developments as they continue to unfold.