Developing Writing Skills in Children

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Writing is a quite important part of children’s education. If you want to develop your kids writing skill, try out our simple tips. We know that it can be not an easy thing to teach and learn, but improving your children’s writing skills can be a fun if you will organize the whole process well. Of course, you will need a lot of patience and time too, but it definitely worth the result. You children shouldn’t feel like you are their demanding and strict school teacher. Just add to your studying a bit of fun, and your kids will love writing.

Teaching essay writing

If your children are already familiar with essay structure, suggest them to write an essay about their summer or about going to the movie with friends last Saturday. If the subject should be interesting for kids, they would enjoy the process of writing, and this is a very important thing. If your children are not familiar with essay, tell them about its structure and parts. It would be better if you will give them an interesting essay as an example to read, and explain moments about the structure after reading, so kids won’t feel bored.

Practice writing every day

If you want to get good results, you should keep in your mind that studying is a methodical and well-organized process. That’s why try to write with your kids every day. Again, bring a bit of fun in this and make the studying look like a play. Make it your daily routine, but don’t make it seem bored to kids. For example, write together poems on Monday, essays on Tuesday, funny stories on Wednesday, tales on Thursdays, and organize a writing competition on Friday with some little prizes. You can make your own plan and follow it. All your family members can be involved in this process, or your kids can involve their friends. Keep in your mind that a good organized thing can turn boring learning into a great fun.

Read a lot

As more your children read, as better they will be able to write, that’s why it’s important to read a lot. Read interesting books together aloud and discuss the plot after reading. Your children will learn to think logically and express themselves in a better way and to describe different emotions and objects. Go with your kids to the bookstore sometimes and buy some good books. Let your children gather their own home library, they would be excited to do it with you. Reading will help your kids to be well-educated in life, plus it’s improving writing skills.

Work in drafts

Explain your children that a good sentence can’t just come from nowhere. At start, they definitely will make mistakes and you’ll have to correct them. Your kids may get a problem how to start writing when they just sit with a clear list of paper. Just learn them how to work in drafts, teach them to write notes, and only after this to write a whole work. Suggest kids to brainstorm and put ideas on paper at start, and only after this to write their text down.

Don’t forget about spell and grammar checking

Each and every work of your children should be checked and corrected. At start, you have to do it by your own, but as more experienced your kids will be, you can involve them into this process too. Tell them how it’s better to avoid logical and grammar mistakes in writing. Learn grammar rules if you see your child’s knowledge is not enough to write correctly. This will not only help in writing at home, but you may notice your kids started to get better marks at school.

All parents want their children to be better. We hope these tips were useful for you, and your kids will improve their writing skills with your help. Don’t forget to encourage them, and they will be your best writers to be proud of. Visit also Spider Essay to see how good works should be written.
