Deleter: Meaningless Chants

Posted on the 08 January 2017 by Hctf @hctf

For American bands like Deleter the current state of affairs is a blessing in disguise. The Minneapolis garage punk quartet have been pointing accusing fingers to the powers that be for a couple of years now and things have only gotten worse. Meaningless Chants, their new EP, gives them plenty of opportunities to spit out their anger with quite a bit of sarcasm on top. Thanks to guest vocalist Faith Boblett they come close to being a highly politcal lo-fi incarnation of The B-52's.

All anger aside the band is evolving and their musical palette is getting more diverse, complex and challenging. A track like Head Removed From Helmet wouldn't have been out of place on Midnight Oil's finest album Red Sails in the Sunset. Punk lovers on the other hand will love the breakneck speed of Psychic Psychologist. Deleter are now capable of putting down the megaphone and have found other means to broadcast their message. Trump lovers will hate them.

Travis Collins: bass, vocals
Josh McKay: drums, percussion, Juno 106
Jordan Morantez: guitar
Knol Tate: vocals, guitar, melodica, Juno 106

Meaningless Chants is released on Land Ski Records (digital) and by the band themselves on cassette. Release date: January 21st.

  1. Underachieved
  2. Motivations
  3. Do You Really Trust This Study?
  4. Head Removed From Helmet
  5. Psychic Psychologist
  6. Start To Watch

Live dates:
  • 01/21 Minneapolis, MN @ Reverie Cafe + Bar

» Deleter on Facebook

HCTF review of Oblique Seasons.