Deepika Padukone Fitness Tips and Workout Routine

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Of all the actresses in Bollywood, deepika padukone is considered as one of the most fit and healthy actresses. She was an athlete and has maintained her body so perfectly that traditional as well as western dresses suit her well. She has a fitness trainer yasim karachiwala, who helps her to adjust fitness regimes in her busy schedule. She tells her how to incorporate different workout sessions to get benefit from each and not get bored with any of them. Her initial days of childhood were spent in playing badminton for hours. It was her daily rountine untill she grew up and joined the industry. He had to change her rountine according to the work she was doing but later on this helped her to maintain her figure.

Deepika Padukone Workout Routine:

Deepika Padukone Workout Routine

She was always in a good shape since teenage years. This also helped her to take up modeling before she became a full time actress. At this time she realized that proper body training is very essential to maintain the figure and energy level. She says that having a good figure is not enough and you must work out really well to make the body look better. This compelled her to ask Yasim to train her. Yasim knew deepika’s body type and thus told her to do Pilates and strenghting exercises. This was not to help her loose weight but to make her body more toned and strong internally.

Hitting the gym everyday is not interesting for her. Hence she believes in mixing up various exercise forms together and make the most out of it. While she is doing her Pilates and stretching exercises, she adds some freehand weight exercises. Other exercises like running on a treadmill and doing conventional exercises are kept for those days when she is on a shooting at some other location. At times she has to skip her daily regimes when she on an outdoor shooting.

Craving for Sweets:

She is fond of sweets and used to eat many chocolates in her childhood time. She says that many a times, she used to have only chocolates as sweets. But later on she managed to control her hunger for sweets when she came in the media. Even today, she finds it tough to control her hunger prangs. She makes it a point to indulge in the sweets once in a while. She makes up for all the extra calories by going for extra workout sessions.

Read What Deepika’s Fitness Trainer Yasmin Karachiwala Says:

When talked to her trainer Yasmin, she revealed some of the secrets of deepika’s fit and toned body. She is in charge of all that deepika shall or should not eat. She helps deepika to maintain her body has she know how important it is to have a fit and toned body, especially if you working in bollywood.  Every day she works out for one hour. When she is overseas for shooting or modeling she makes it a point to do Pilates and high energy exercises. Such exercises are perfect for her body as she gets to tone her boy well. At the end of tedious day, she practices yoga to restore her mental balance and senses. Yoga helps her to tighten her muscles and give strength to legs and other major muscles. Not only this, she likes doing yoga as she is able to control her breathing process and other things. Inhaling oxygen is very essential as it helps to make sure that the oxygen reaches in every cell of her body. She works on the flexibility of her body as well. This helps her in balancing her mind and body.

She tries to work on every part of her body. Accordingly, she prepares her chart and works on those body parts which require some exercise. When she is doing Pilates, she makes most use of the props available like resistance bands and foam weights. This helps her to maintain her body and prevents it from looking muscular like men. Sometimes her trainer tells her to combine cardio and Pilates. Small amounts of cardio exercise in between helps her body a lot. Since her schedule is too hectic, care is taken that she is not engaged in much of weight training. Or else her body can damage a bit. If she has to shoot wearing some sexy dresses, then all the concentration is diverted to her legs. Sometimes, she has worn bikinis in movies. For such scenes, she has worked really hard on every inch of her body so that she looks perfectly toned and sexy. Light weights are frequently used at such times. She also uses many props so that her workout regimes are not boring and she can do them with full interest. Thus, this is how she maintains her body and the balance between her body and mind well.

Deepikas Diet Chart Plan:

When it comes to her diet, she takes good care to include all the proteins and nutrition in her food. She refrains from indulging in large portions of meals. Instead, she stresses on having small portions of food every two hours. This helps to control her food intake. Maintaining a good balance of carbohydrates and proteins is also very important for her body. Her instructor says that recently they came up with Quinoa, which is a substitute for carbohydrates. This is very high in fiber and very healthy for the body. When deepika ate it, she found it very useful for her body and it is very perfect of the type of body she has. For breakfast she eats two eggs and fruit after the morning workout. Her lunch is mostly of proteins, fish and vegetables. Later on in mid-evening she drinks vegetable or fruit juices or else milk shakes, which are always her favorites. At night she prefers having non-vegetarian food. Lean meat and grilled chicken are must have for dinner. Hence, this is how she maintains her body and diet schedule. Her trainer plays a very important role in helping her maintain the perfect body she has.