Deepika Padukone Beauty, Makeup, Diet & Fitness Secrets

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Deepika Padukone is one of the Bollywood heartthrobs who rose to fame with her modelling and acting career. She was a Kingfisher super model first and then became a successful actress. Her debut film was ‘Om Shanti Om’ opposite Sharukh Khan, and she received the Filmfare Award for the Best Debut for this film. She is hot, glamorous, stunning and beautiful. Here are some of her beauty tips and fitness secrets that you can follow.

Deepika Padukone Beauty Secrets:

Deepika has a wonderful skin that is glowing and flawless. She, like other actors, makes sure that she drinks lots of water to keep her body well hydrated. She has made cleansing, toning and moisturizing a daily part of her beauty regime. Her regular skin care regimen includes a moisturizer with SPF for the day time. Before she goes to sleep at night, she makes sure that she has removed all traces of makeup from her face. After cleansing her face at night, she follows it with a hydrating cream. She does not go for regular facials. Once in a while she goes for a thorough clean up session.

She never goes after instant makeup for maintaining her gorgeous self. Instead she follows natural and regular skin care. She wears makeup only when she is shooting. After it gets over, she makes it a point to remove makeup as soon as possible. When she is not shooting, she tries to avoid makeup. She prefers to use a loofah instead of a soap bar for bathing. According to her, it helps in improving the blood circulation instantly and removes all dead cells from the body.

As for her hair, she makes sure that she massages her hair and scallop with tender coconut oil once in a week. Prolonged exposure of hair to the sun can cause damage to the hair follicles and oil massage is a good remedy for it. She has been massaging her hair with coconut oil from her childhood and it is the reason for how beautiful her hair is. She also makes sure that she visits the spa regularly for body massage and relaxation.

Her beauty tips reveal that we should maintain a regular skin care routine instead of using makeup products to enhance our beauty. Her skin care routine has never failed her till date.

Deepika Padukone Makeup Tips:

Image credits: blogtobollywood

Deepika says that you do not have to apply tons of makeup to look beautiful. You should use makeup to enhance your natural features and not to change it completely. If you have a naturally good skin, you can avoid foundation. One of the essential makeup products of Deepika is mascara. She says that it helps in adding dimension to her look by drawing attention to her eyes.

Even though she avoids makeup when not shooting, she loves some of the makeup products. She loves red lipstick and often wears this at various events. One of her favorite looks is eyes highlighted with black eyeliner and red lipstick. When she does dramatic eye makeup, she keeps her lips muted with a nude or pink shade. When not shooting, she only applies basic makeup like a moisturizing lip balm and a neutral foundation.

She says that eyebrows are very important. Eyebrows of the right thickness and shape can define your natural features.

For her daily look Deepika wears a neutral shade of foundation and a concealer under the eyes. She applies brown coloured eye shadow and a ginger bronze blush. This helps in highlighting her cheeks. She applies a thin line of black eye liner and finishes it with a touch of mascara. For her lips she prefers peachy brown lipstick.

Deepika Padukone Diet Tips and Secrets:

Image credits: hdwallpapersrocks

Deeika says that it is not how much you eat that matters, but how healthy you eat. She is foodie and never skips her meals. Nor does she starve herself to lose weight and get a lean frame. Her dietician, Pooja Makhija has made her diet plan, which included appropriate meals at regular intervals of every two hours.

Deepika says that in order to have a strong and fit body, you need to follow a healthy diet. She has a balanced diet with carbohydrates and proteins in the right proportions. She considers breakfast as the most important meal. All three meals are balanced and simple. If she has dosa for the breakfast, she makes it a point not to have potato filling. But she has egg without the yolk. When she has idli, she takes pudina chutney instead of coconut chutney.

When she gets up in the morning, she consumes nuts instead of coffee. For lunch she has a bowl of dal, one chapatti with chicken or fish, and vegetables. She keeps her dinner light. She eats roti and salads to get enough nutrition. She follows a well balanced diet and never goes for crash dieting.

Deepika Padukone Fitness Tips and Secrets:

The hourglass figure of Deepika amazes all her fans. She is good athlete and plays badminton. She is very serious about her fitness regime. She makes it a point to follow her fitness regime without any delays or excuses. Even if she has an early morning shoot, she finds time for her workout. Yasmin, her fitness trainer, introduced her to Pilates and stretching exercises. This she does every day.

She is also keen on doing free hand weight exercises and does 4 to 5 sets of stretching with 20 repetitions. She also does cardio training and light weight lifting when at gym. According to her, it is important to maintain balance while working out. You should not workout rigorously. You have to give tie to your body to rest when you workout. She starts her day by practicing yoga. She does this in her garden; she includes various asanas that help in making her look fresh and healthy. She also does walking daily for half an hour in the morning.