Deco Cushion Tutorial

By Ireviewuread

Decorating your BB & CC Cushions using some deco cream and deco parts is a huge Beauty/DIY trend in Korea now. Not only does one get to let their creative juices flow but they also get to beautify their compact cushion.

As such, I've created a video to present to you how to decorate a compact:

Items you need include:

Do keep in mind that every piping tip is different so if you are looking for a more flowery texture, get the one with a more flowery opening.

Items such as deco cream/ deco glue can be bought from Daiso or you local craft store (At least that's what I've heard). Cushion can be bought from any drug store. The cushion used for decorating is WLab, W-HoneyBeam, Shade 23.

So basically, there's 2 steps to decorating your Cushion.

Step 1 is to fill your whole cushion with swirls from the deco cream. Make it look like you are piping a lemon meringue, with the tips popping out.

Step 2 is to place the deco parts accordingly. They don't have to be cluttered in the center in fact they could be spread out. Do remember this is a form of creative expression so put some more glue and elevate that part, make things angled and have fun with it. If you are not happy with it's placing, move it within the 24 hours because once the clock hit it's time limit, there ain't no more changing.

After you're finally satisfied with your art work, leave it aside and let the glue fully set for 24 hours. You'll know when it's set for it'll become a bouncy silicon.

Thanks to Althea Korea for the items!