December 2017 Goals

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Last month of the year. WHAT?! I don't believe it. How? When? Really?

Ok. Disbelief aside, December is upon us. It can be tricky to stay healthy this time of year with all the holiday parties and holiday treats and the stress that is, well, the holidays, but I'm determined to end the year as strong as strong as I started it. Why wait for resolutions? The time is now! Annnnnd end pep talk.

Before I dive into December, let's take a look at what went down (both the good and the bad) with my November goals.

November Goals Report:

1. 10,000 Steps a Day - Grade: C - I started off the month strong but had a few slacker days. I also got sick the week of Thanksgiving, so that literally knocked me off my feet. I probably got 10,000 steps in about 20 days this month. Progress, but I can do better!

2. Train for a Sub 2-Hour Half - Grade: B+ - I did miss one long run thanks to the Thanksgiving Week Cold, but otherwise, I've been doing pretty well with my training. I maintained pretty solid paces during my other long runs, so I'm feeling good about this weekend's half marathon.

3. Earn Some CECs - Grade: A+ - I took one online class that earned me .2 CECs (I need 2.0 total to renew my personal training certification). I still have a year to get the other 1.8. Baby steps.

4. Cook a Bomb Thanksgiving Dinner - Grade: A+ - Sooooo I'm the worst food blogger in the world. I didn't take ANY pictures of the Thanksgiving dinner I made. Who am I? I don't even know anymore! That said, everything was delicious! I've been enjoying leftovers in the form of this Gobbler all week.

5. Practice Resonant Breathing - Grade: F - I think I did this once. I just keep forgetting about it. I'd love to make this part of my daily routine, I just have to figure out a way to remember to actually do it. Once I remember, I can start doing it, and once I start doing it, it will become habit, right? RIGHT!

6. Stress-Free Holiday Season - Grade: A - So far, I haven't been stressed out at all about the holidays. I have, however, started to stress a little about the wedding. There's no reason for me to stress. There's plenty of time to get everything done (we're not getting married until May and already have the big stuff checked off), but I think because I haven't done ANYTHING for the wedding in a few months (because, um, we bought a house!) I feel like I'm behind. I'm not behind. It's all good in the wedding hood. But I had two nights in a row with wedding nightmares. Go away, nightmares. I need to take some of my own advice, slow down and just WOOSAAA it out.

Now onto DECEMBER!

Fitness Goals

1. 10,000 Steps a Day - Yes, this is still a goal. If I can walk 10,000 or more steps 25/30 days of the month, I'll be a happy camper.

2. Sub 2-Hour Half Marathon - I'm coming for you San Antonio!

3. Earn some CECs - I'll have time on the air plane and time off from work to relax, so why not try to be productive and get a few more CECs before the year comes to an end?

Nutrition Goals

4. Try a New Meal Plan - I'll be testing out a new nutrition program right after the San Antonio Half. My goal is to stick with it until I leave for the holiday break. Stay tuned for a review toward the end of the month!

5. Practice Resonant Breathing - I'm bringing it back since I failed so miserably last month. Will you help remind me to do it?

6. Stress-Free Holiday Season - Travel. Lots of people to see. Lots of parties to go to. Let's make it fun and get in some quality family time, shall we?

Got goals for the month or fun fit and fashionable things to share? Join the weekly Fit & Fashionable Friday Link Up!