December 2015 Adore Box Review!

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Adore Box is a relatively new subscription box service. They send 4-7 beauty and lifestyle products every month along with an information card about the products. The box tends to be a random mix of things. The items may include: makeup, skin care, hair care, jewelry, edibles, accessories, and/or housewares. They can be sample size or FULL SIZE!

Cost: $15.00/month

Ships: To the US only


Adore Box came packaged in a basic box. I believe they are trying to save on packaging costs in order to have better products. They are now also including fashion and lifestyle items. There were not as many products as last month, but I still couldn't wait to dig in.


Marysol Multilevel Bead Bracelet ($5.99)

This feels like a very cheap bracelet, but I will wear it. It will go with almost any outfit.

Kleancolor Brows Essential Kit in Black ($5.99)

This is a FULL SIZE! I will not use this because my eyebrows are not black. I will be giving this product away.

Sexy Hair Blow Dry Volumizing Gel

This is a sample size! I will not be using this product either because I never use gel. I will be giving this away.

Eleese Lip Krayon ($3.99)

This is a FULL SIZE! I love the color of this lip crayon. The top was broken and had been taped so that is disappointing (I know it wasn't broke in shipping).

Essie Sleek Stick Nail Applique ($9.99)

This is a FULL SIZE! I love the design on these and already have a pair of them. I will either keep these or give them away.

Sundown Natural Vitamins in B6 ($5.99)

This is a FULL SIZE! Um What? I have never received a bottle of drugstore vitamins in a subscription box. I don't think I will ever use these. I will give them away.

Lorac 3D Lustre Double Eyeliner ($22)

This is a FULL SIZE! This is the only product I liked this month. However, it looks to be a bit old. I love the colors and they are beautiful.


This month's Adore Box was not my favorite at all. Totally random stuff and products that look to be a bit old. I have decided to cancel this subscription. I have been really disappointed the last couple of months. I may try it again in the future if they improve. What do you think of the items? Let me know in the comments below!