Dear Urban Outfitters - Here, Take All My Money! [ A.K.A My April Haul]

By Ladydevz @Ladydevzz
Okay, I am exaggerating.. . But considering that I already bought a lot of stuff in April [check my haul posts here and here, ]I think it was very inconsiderate of UO to force me into spending more $$$ by offering free shipping on any purchase amounts.
Don't you see the devilishness of the scheme? See, if I had to do the normal wait-till-i-find-stuff-interesting-enough-for-$50-&-free-shipping  , then I usually buy like once in 2months or so. But now, it was like, I didn't have to wait. I could just buy goodies as they popped up in the new arrivals page. And they did.
Without much more delay, here are the pics...

As always please let me know if you wish me to review any of the above - I'll anyways be reviewing them in sometime but if you ask, I'll do it sooooon... :)