due to the fact that after reading my letter to the intended party I realize how f****** a good it sounded I decided to post it as a blog post where can discuss what I want to discuss and that was not meant to offend. I just want to be able to use the discuss account with the Q and nobody has a Windows Phone!
Dear diqus,
*First I hope you read the soon because after reading it I decided I think it’s pretty damn good and when I posted either on tumblr on my block so if you don’t read it or say something back soon then since I can’t discuss then yeah I will take this also.

my android phone is prettier
You guys please please please listen. Okay first of all Google Plus and me do not get along and Google search innovation scares the s*** out of me.

I use Firefox Beta b****
With that being said Android and Google I know in societal and Technical view of diverse city are unity as or are twins or brothers or whatever but Android in terms of the app wise is just too good if on Android and too circa aol dial up compared when on the iphone.
This is coming from an iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 long time user who thought the Android option was cheap and for weird people. remember I’m not judging it’s a societal understanding plus I didn’t like that little green f***** but thank God 1 night I got drunk and dropped my iPhone 5 and ran into an Android phone by mistake coming with some weird friend of mine I thought for work using Android and then I realized something huge. I have wasted a lot of money that Android is not low class and it has grill a m************ glass! I have a dual processor, lte technology, and LG 4G with this statement:it is rare to find somebody who says or proclaims Android is better with using or who has had experience with iPhone as well. I’ve used both live with both have both for a year or over and I’m telling you that if you guys don’t get on an app that has Android then your circa who the f*** cares.
I picked up my broken iPhone the other day and turned it on does it still work after that by the way I broke the arbor the iPhone (breaking that wasn’t any fault of the iphone..by the way to be honest when I was drunk I didn’t drop it was more flying in a motion that was exerted through a hand gesture ….anyway I can get to see what 4g really means. I can tell you really hate Android because I use data Android and because you mentioned blackberry with Android and we all know BlackBerrys time is over.
Btw the way did you read the news headlines at their new launch horse phone or whatever was turned down blackberry is “dead and gone” think about Justin Timberlake’s song, Ohhh I’ve been traveling on on this world too long try to find my way back home lalalala something Lala something.
We buried it’s you know a rest in peace it’s gone but Android should not be punished and not have discussed because Google is a crackhead terms of fictional based character Internal Assessment withdraw. I don’t like the fact that Google Docs or Google Drive use now means public document drive.
I don’t like that the Android little guy is green or that he’s a little alien I think its weird but I don’t like the fact that the iPhone and it’s narcissistic capabilities structure infused with a dumb found of meh..
Kelly Sowell author of Kellyspeechless.com and on air the Kelly speechless show, and the bad ass b**** who wrote this post.
I hope discuss lets me discuss on Android and and I know that to discuss with the letter Q but until the Android app comes then there’s just other options to discuss the other way. Plus there’s 1 important factor you’re going to end up on Android but if the longer you wait the longer there’s a chance that there’s a competitor or it’s just by the time you get there you’re so pissed off that it’ll suck anyway.
search in the Google Play Store for talking tag and then purchase the personal tag package
circa web avatar iphone
Please replay an insert a mental listening of Justin Timberlake and that dead and gone song for professional and personal creative intent the end.