Deal Breakers in Relationships

By Tobehitch

Let’s say that you’re going out on a date with a girl, and well, things are going pretty well. You guys are laughing, enjoying each other’s company, and the food is delicious. During the course of this awesomeness, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, and while you’re taking a pee in the urinal, you notice that your “girl” date walks into the men’s bathroom as well. “WHAT COULD THIS MEAN,” you think with eager anticipation. Could this be one of those “YOUTUBE WORTHY MOMENTS?” Your mind wanders, and  you start thinking about some pretty exciting possibilities of what MIGHT happen now that the two of you are alone in this bathroom…until…she unzips her pants, pulls out her penis and takes a piss in the urinal right next to you.


OKAY, fine, most likely your deal breakers are not going to be THIS DRAMATIC. But I mean damn…you have to admit…if this really happened to you. HOLY CRAP. That’s a DEAL BREAKER FOR SURE. AINT NO SECOND DATE. AINT NO FIRST DATE. You’re going to DENY that crap ever happened for the rest of your LIFE, and LEAVE THE DATE IMMEDIATELY! That is an FML freaking moment if I ever saw/heard of one.

The example is drastic, but the point is the same: deal breakers are those things that we feel like our dating potential ABSOLUTELY must have (or not do or not be) in order for us to date them. As in the example above, I think it’s pretty damn important for a “girl” date to ACTUALLY BE A GIRL, if it’s going to work. But on a more realistic (and practical note), one example of a “deal breaker” could be religion. Religion is obviously a really big issue when it comes to dating because it plays such a significant role in one’s personal value system/upbringing. Oftentimes, if two people have differing religions, it can cause a LOT of conflict/guilt/stress in a relationship. Other deal breakers that are common include: drugs, gambling, smoking, stripping…

Deal breakers usually only apply to long term relationships. When it comes to casual dating or flings, most people are a lot more forgiving about these kinds of things. If you know it’s a short term “just because I’m bored” relationship, who cares. However, you really don’t want to start a long term relationship you KNOW is doomed for failure because there are GLARING issues that can’t be overlooked. Most of the times, this is REALLY BAD STRATEGY.

When it comes to deal breakers, I think one of the most variable issues for women is the idea of money. Some women believe a guy who has lots of money is ABSOLUTELY indispensable to the whole dating process. AND MORE POWER TO THEM. Dude, if I were a hot girl, I WOULD BE A GOLD DIGGER FOR SURE. NO SHAME IN ADMITTING THIS. I would just be a hot house-wife. A HOT FREAKING HOUSEWIFE. For all you feminine women out there who want to be independent and make your own money, AWESOME. I think that’s GREAT. I’m just saying that if it were me, and I were a hot girl…omg. I’m pretty sure I would be a bad person. A BAD PERSON.

For guys, on the other hand, something like AGE may be a very important factor. Some guys want to push the boundaries of YOUNG as much as they can, like this 26 year old guy that I just recently heard of who’s dating a 16 year old girl. THAT’S PRETTY GROSS. Others are absolutely against dating women who are older than they are. I mean, this is definitely not true of everyone…for some, THE SKY IS THE FREAKING LIMIT! COUGARS? MORE EXPERIENCE BABY. MORE EXPERIENCE! I mean damn…I want a WOMAN who knows how to do all sorts of nasty freaky deaky…

…cooking…you know how much I love that butter and oil greasing up my food!

Deal breakers are DRASTICALLY different from “secondary issues”. Secondary issues are things that are PREFER such as, you know, height, large breasts (perverts, I was talking about MALE BREASTS. Gosh. You know how them girls LOVE those super large…pectoral muscles…), and ethnicity…but usually, most people are willing to look past their secondary issues as long as their deal breakers aren’t violated.

With that being said, a lot of secondary issues COULD be deal-breakers if it’s extreme enough. For instance, you may not care THAT much about height, unless you’re a six foot woman and the guy who’s pursuing you is a 5’1″ guy. I mean…dude. Think about logistical things like the freaking WEDDING. HOW AWKWARD THOSE PICTURES WILL BE. He’s going to have to stand on a freaking TABLE to kiss you when the priest says, “you may now kiss the bride.” GAWD. That would be pretty damn awkward.

So the next time you go out on a blind date, and the girl you’re on a date with rips a loud ass fart in the middle of dinner, giggles, and says something to the extent of, “WHAT? GIRL’S FART TOO?”