By Matthewspuzzle @matthewspuzzle

I love yoga, but my PT says I need to do more than just traditional yoga to get myself in shape. I found out about DDPYOGA, probably like everyone else, through the Facebook/You Tube video that was circulatingabout Arthur, the American Veteran that could barely walk. Arthur tried DDPYOGA and made such a remarkable change in his life that he has become the poster child for inspiration. This guy is amazing.

DDPYOGA is a complete program. It comes with 4 DVD Disks which correspond to different levels of the program. It has a handy chart you can post on your wall that shows you the basic movements in DDPYOGA and it has a DDPYOGA Program Guide which give you an introduction to the program, an overview, and a nutrition guide. This is a 49 page document, not some simple 4 or 5 page deal. It covers a ton of information. You also have access to the DDPYOGA website and forums where you can get lots of encouragement and help.

When you start out on DDPYOGA you can use the beginner chart which shows you what to do for weeks 1 through 13. It is highly recommended that you take some starting photos of yourself. You never have to share them, but it is a great way to see just how far you have come. The photos not only show weight loss and toning, but also demonstrate flexibility and strength.

Everything is considered in the DDPYOGA plan, from your ideal fat burning heart rate (mine is 117 to 137) to changing the way you eat (in different phases so as not to overwhelm you). This is one of the areas in which I’m very drawn to DDPYOGA. I agree with almost EVERYTHING they have to say about nutrition - the only place I diviate is in their choice of oils. DDPYOGA wants you to be on REAL food, not processed junk and sugar. They have you go gluten free and dairy free, adding in organics and talking about food combining! The plan even offers sample meal plans and a few recipes to boot!

I have tried the program out and I think it has real potential. It uses a lot of isometrics and that can be tricky at first. I know for someone like me, who has had trouble engaging some of my muscles, it was hard to get my muscles to activate. You may need to play around with the moves or to ask a friend to spot you at first, to make sure you are engaging properly.  I do think it will help me build core strength and to get a lot of flexibility in, plus build strength. I actually can’t wait to get back to the program, but unfortunately I hurt my knee, in a non-DDPYOGA related incident, and I’m having trouble even walking right now. I would love to keep you all updated on my progress.