DD+ What the Pros Eat: Franziska Spritzler

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Meet Franziska Spritzler, Diet Doctor's in-house registered dietitian.

Meet Franziska Spritzler, Diet Doctor's in-house registered dietitian.

"As a woman in her mid-50s, I thrive on a high-protein, moderate low-carb diet with a diverse mix of animal and plant foods. I can honestly say that I feel more energetic now than when I was younger. My goal is to stay vital and independent for as long as possible. If yours is, too, I invite you to give my 7-day meal plan a try."

"As a woman in her mid-50s, I thrive on a high-protein, moderate low-carb diet with a diverse mix of animal and plant foods. I can honestly say that I feel more energetic now than when I was younger. My goal is to stay vital and independent for as long as possible. If yours is, too, I invite you to give my 7-day meal plan a try."

More health tips from Franziska

  • Weight loss that's healthy, enjoyable, and empowering
  • Eat nutrient-dense, satisfying foods that you enjoy
  • Take charge of how you look and feel

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