Day off

By Rubytuesday
It's Monday morning So that means a day off for meWhich is very much welcomeGiven I worked four long shifts over the weekend Work was quite busyWith 60 guests staying All separate families Which makes it that bit more difficult than one big groupAs they come for their meals in dribs and drabsAnd it's harder to keep track of numbers So many kids tooBig families with lots of little ones Which meant the food was everywhere On the floors On the walls In cups On the chairs But mostly they were grand Even though we were busy yesterday I took time to play hula hoop with the kids outside They also wanted to meet the chef As they thought the dinners were lovely Then later on they wanted to see them againWhile I was cleaning the dining roomThey all came in and wanted to help So I gave them little jobs to do to keep them busy Which was help for me tooAnyway I was wrecked when I got home each day But it's a lovely natural tirednessThat I feel I've really earned my restThe dogs have had to adjust to my working My sister often brings them for a walk the days I can't But their routine is still very much the same So I'm not worried about them There were a lot of sad stories in work this week Families dealing with bereavement Illness LossIt's heart breaking And we do all we can to make their stay memorable It's hard to get time to spend chatting with the guests But we do our best That's all we can do
Monday morning again And doctor day for me We chatted about work And my meds reduction last weekWhich went fine I was telling him about my Dad As I have an update on his healthYou might remember a couple of months ago I went with my Dad to Dublin to see a consultant As over the last couple of years He has been losing the power in his hands and arms Tests were done And he was told that he had possible motor neuron diseaseSo last Thursday he traveled to Dublin again to see the top neurologist in the country And it was confirmed that he does have MNDWe have all been very worriedAs the prognosis with this condition is not great But in fact He received better news than he was expecting He was told he has had MND for three years But out it four stages He is in stage one Also it is slow progressing And he is on the 30% that has the mildest formEven though the diagnosis is devastating We are in the best possible situationSo that's something to be grateful for Apparently it kills younger people quicker Dad is nearly 70 So it won't progress as rapidly Anyway We will look after him He won't go through this alone 
In other newsMy statistics have shot up in the last few days Getting over a thousand hits every day I am wondering why this is And if some of my posts have been shared on social media Don't get me wrong It's great to be reaching so many people But it does make me slightly paranoid knowing that so many people are reading So I've kind of been holding back and censoring my writing recently There are many things going on in my life that I don't feel comfortable sharing Just yet Including a love interest But it's early days So I will keep that to myself for now And also about the girl at work who seems to have taken an instant dislike to meBut that's a whole other post I was wondering if you know why my stats have sky rocketedBecause I sure don't 
I can't quite believe that it's almost August And I've been working for two months now I will have work in to September And my manager told me that if anything full time comes up She will keep me in mind And that is fantastic As working has been a huge turning point for me It's doing me the world of goodThere was a little bit of a disagreement T work last week In that some of the staff weren't pulling their weight And our manager had a word with them Two in particular had a good talking tooAnd I think they kind of blamed each other I was then worried that I had not been doing my work to a high enough standard But my manager assured me that she had no concerns with me Which was a relief The two girls were working together yesterday And you could cut the tension with a knife But yes I am loving work The routine The structure Being busy Meeting people The money of course It's all good And it is amazing to be able to say that 
As regards my EDIt's going ok My weight is stable My mood is good On the days I work I absolutely make myself eat As my brain goes to mush if it is not fed and watered properly I just can't think straight And i go all peculiar But I know I need to eat and drink correctly tooOtherwise I just can't functionI was dying to weigh myself in the doctors this morning But I resisted No good can come of it 
Right That's all the news for the day Another working week over I feel such a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction As well as independence I have my own money And can with it what I wishDo that me over and put for today Happy Monday And see you on the next post.....