Daring to Love

By Mischieviousmum

Last Sunday morning at church, we dropped our two younger kids in at kids church and grabbed our seats. The music was playing and as I looked around the room my eyes landed on the elderly couple in the seats in front of us to the right. I found myself watching them. I couldn't help watch the way the gentleman held his arm around his wife, how he supported her while standing and worshipping God together.

It was a gorgeous sight to behold. I hope and pray we are like that down the track. The reward to working hard in our marriage was right there in front of us. Not that my determination had waned in any way, but seeing this elderly couple stand and support each other at church the other morning reminded me again. The reward is there. They don't know I was watching them, and they don't know me, but seeing them at church last Sunday really made my day. Actually, it made my week. It reminded me of why I loved my hubby in the first place, and reminded me of why I wanted to marry. Later this year we will be married 16 years. We have outlasted many a celebrity couple. We realise we aren't in competition with anyone else. We are responsible for our the health of our marriage and family. We also have a commitment to and a desire to honour God in our marriage, as we reflect on our vows. We married not only before our family and friends, but also God. The issues will come and go, but we look for ways to care and love each other.

I have certainly been blessed. I'm so glad to spend the rest of my days doing life with the one I love. He really does make my heart smile.