Loving... peony season! Gotta live it up now!
Listening... to Hins Cheung's P.S. I Love You after Speaking Out (不吐不快) came on my iTunes and I just had to sing along. Been missing Cantonese music and this has always been one of my fave albums.
Eating... lots of poké which seems to be the it food in NYC right now. Feeling lucky that the excellent Chikarashi is so close to me. I need to try to making poké at home.
Drinking... homemade lemonade. I like my lemonade very lemony with a touch of coconut sugar and matcha.
Organizing... my collection of sheet masks with two clear Muji bins. Since crossing over into triple digits, I've been masking every day.
Watching... Season 4 of House of Cards like finally. I was previously otherwise engaged with my K-dramas Descendants of the Sun and then Signal.
Wearing... denim skirts and sneakers. This is my favorite combination!
Picked up... this fun ring (like literally!) on a whim and wearing every day since.
Finally got my hands on... this Blossom Jeju Pink Camellia Soombi Essence Serum during Glow Recipe's recent promo. It might be awhile before I try it since I have some other products to be used ahead of it but this product will probably eventually be reviewed here.
Contemplating... a new haircut. I might try more layers or going asymmetric with my bob.
Not loving... how it suddenly feels like summer when it felt like we barely had a spring but dealing with it.
What's up with you?
Just a quick rant and PSA. So earlier this week, I discovered two of my original photos were being used by other bloggers on their blogs and IG's and being passed off as their own. And when I informed them that the photos were mine, their excuse was that they found them on Pinterest and didn't know the source. That's really lame in this day and age, not to mention you shouldn't use images if you don't know where they came from. They must not be too bright or they didn't care because they didn't even notice my watermark on there. I don't make my watermarks big and obvious but they're there in case something like this happens. But back to my point, Pinterest is not a source! And bloggers really need would stop citing Pinterest as a source because it's more of an aggregator. If you pinned an image, it's still not yours and to credit your photos: "from my Pinterest" is both lazy and incorrect. If you follow the link from Pinterest and it doesn't lead you back to the source, you can also right-click on the photo and select "Search Google for Image. You might have to do a little work, but it's better than taking credit for something that's not yours.
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