Current Favourite Blogs.

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
I thought I would share with you some of blogs that I can not get enough at the moment, I read so many but I often go through phases of ones I read more regularly than others. These 5 blogs below are blogs I always go to first in my bloglovin list to see if there is a new post up.
Mummy Pixie  - I of course have started reading mommy blogs and my favorite has to be Mummy Pixie. Written by the lovely Georgina from Makeup-pixi3 she shares with us all about her life as a mom and the progress of her lovely little boy. I have picked up so many tips already that I plan to use when bump is here, I think it is a must read for mums to be.
Laurzrah - I have mainly become hooked on Laura's blog because we have a similar taste in lipstick and most beauty products to be honest. She takes beautiful photos that instantly make me want to buy a product before even reading the review. Also her make up looks are just gorgeous.
Expat Make up Addict - Stacey is a UK lady living in Dubai and has the best taste in high end make up, my bank balance literally weeps when I click on her blog. She always gives such honest reviews and you just feel like you are having a chat with her about make up whilst reading her blog.
Buy Now Blog Later - I am sure you all know Laura's blog, she has been one of my favorite bloggers from the start when she wrote the blog Lollipop26. Laura talks everything make up and fashion, I basically just have a big girl crush on her.
Caroline Hirons - Another blog you all know and the one person I will always trust when it comes to skincare advice. I love carolines no bullshit approach to things which is why I respect her opinion so much and she always tries and makes time to reply to her readers. If you are a lover of skincare or need some skincare advice make sure you head over to her blog, it will change the way you think about skincare.
Do let me know what your favorite blogs are, I love finding new ones to read. If you want to check out all the ones I follow head over to my bloglovin page as I follow so many amazing blogs.