CUPKIN Monday Vol.II: DIY Decorative Bottle (Home Decor)

By Rashi Ravi Ganguly @sincerelylazy
Good morning beauties! How's your Monday coming along? We have an extended weekend (YAYY!!!) in Kolkata as it is Voting Day here. I'll be rushing out soon to do my bit for the country (!), but before that let me quickly give you an easy-peasy home decor idea, courtesy Cupkin.

Over to Sonali:
Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Did you get to wear your party shoes? Well, don't all of us enjoy a Saturday night party?! We had a house party with some pizza, chicken, chips and wine. Sunday morning while clearing the mess, I somehow did not want to let go of the wine bottle. So I decided to make this DIY bottle for a display in my living room.This is pretty simple!
Material required: 

1. A wine bottle / any glass bottle2. Stones/marbles/pebbles3. Shells4. A dried flower stem / coloured feather5. A little cupkiness :)

  1. Wash the bottle properly and let it dry completely.
  2. Now fill it 1/4 with the heaviest fillers, I added the marbles to add bulk to the base, then add the lighter ones, here I have filled it with some shells .
  3. And finally put a dried stem or leaf inside and your own DIY bottle is ready without any money spent!
Wow! That was easy! I'll be sure to try it, as wine bottles have a habit of stacking up in my house too ;) and end up going to the raddiwala. This is a nice way to recycle them. I also think it'll be a good idea to stuff the bottle with some fairy lights and connect it to a plug-point for an added glow and twinkle! Those of you who are good with drawing/painting/sketching, can use some acrylic paint or stain-glass paint to prettify the bottle further with handmade designs.
Hope you guys have fun trying out this little DIY yourself. You can also visit Cupkin here and let her know how you liked it :)