Crochet Saturday

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

The book I’m using

When I get sick of working on the never ending Leo Project but still want to craft I move on to something new with crochet.  After finding a simple pattern book at the library I decided to start on a patchwork blanket to get some more practice.  I have a collection of yarn I’ve had for years that people gave me for birthdays when they heard I liked “crafts”.  But none of it was bought with a particular project in mind.  Which means I have a lot of different weights, colors, and brands that have been partially used, not used at all, or cut up for other stuff. So my plan is to try and use up all of it for a patchwork practice blanket and then I can start fresh with yarn bought specifically for a project.  (And its an excuse to go buy yarn…)

What the blanket would look like in a perfect world.

The three whole blocks I’ve managed to do at various sizes…oops.

Stay tuned for more progress updates

Enjoy your weekend!