Croatian Adventurer Sends Welcome Message To The World

Posted on the 08 April 2011 by Kungfujedi @Kungfujedi
This is a fun story I shared over at Gadling today, but wanted to post about it here as well. An outdoor enthusiast from Croatia has embarked on an ambitious project which he hopes will send a gigantic "welcome" to the rest of the world from his home country.
On Tuesday of this week, Daniel Lacko set out on a pre-set course that will take him through some wild Croatian backcountry on foot, kayak, and bike. The journey will cover more than 2500km (1553 miles) and will pass through eight national parks, three nature preserves, and a number of other protected areas. Lacko will climb ten mountains and paddle or swim on six different rivers, not to mention Croatia's legendary sea coast. All the while, a GPS device will be tracking his progress and marking his route, which if he adheres to properly, will end up spelling out the word "Welcome" in giant letters across the map of Croatia.
The entire journey is expected to take two months to complete, and Lacko hopes to arrive in Dubrovnik by June 5th, which is World Environment Day. That means he'll have to make good time through some very challenging terrain, and he must stay on his prescribed course in order for the project to succeed. So, no matter what obstacles are thrown in his way, he must find away to forge ahead.
You can find out more about the project, and read Daniel's blog, on the official website and keep updated on his progress on the Facebook page as well.