Credit Suisse: The Future is Lower Carb, Higher Fat

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

The fear of fat is a thing of the past. In the coming years demand for fat will soar worldwide, while demand for carbohydrates will fall. The entire world will start eating higher fat, lower carb diets (on average).

This is what a big report from Credit Suisse predicts, based on trends and the evolving medical scientific knowledge.

Bloomberg Business: No Bread, Please, Just Pass the Butter as Fat Demand to SoarPRNewswire: Credit Suisse Publishes Report on Evolving Consumer Perceptions about Fat

The report:

Credit Suisse Research Institute: Fat: The New Health Paradigm


The report is fascinating reading and I highly recommend the first two pages (introduction and summary). It gives you a quick look into how expert prognosticators look at the evolving debate.

  • Fat is on its way back in a big way and there are no longer any valid scientific reasons to fear saturated fat or cholesterol in the diet. Global demand will rise by 43 percent by 2030.
  • Carbohydrates are the main cause of the epidemics of obesity and diabetes. More and more people understand that. The worldwide consumption will fall by 8.3 percent by 2030 (despite a growing population).
  • Surveys by the institute show that a majority of nutritionists and doctors still have outdated beliefs about fat and cholesterol, incorrectly believing it to be bad for cardiovascular health. Modern science shows this belief to be false, according to the report. This fact is likely to spread fast as more and more experts update their knowledge.

The future is lower carb, higher fat.