Creatividee 2012… Here We Go Whoohoo!

By Ddmacker1 @creativideee

The new year is here…

Well it has been for 10 days already. I feel like such a blog slacker…anyhoo enough moaning. Being back at work and back to the hussle of every day life feels great. There is something about the new year that makes me want to make new things every day of my life. Sadly when February hits I sing a different tune Well for now I am going to max all my creative energy!  I have managed to line up some new projects which I will be sure to update and I hope that this year will be full of new ideas and great adventures. *stoked face*

Check out my new project, I had so much fun making this and it was a breeze to do. So if you keen on starting a small craft business or even hosting a craft stall this bracelet idea is a winner. This is also a great idea to get the tweens involved with making for ‘entrepreneur’ day at school.  Not only is it inexpensive to produce, but easy to make as well! If you just into handmade things like me then it is great to rock with your fave outfit too!