Cranberry Onion Marmalade

By Veronica46

This marmalade is the perfect savory and sweet combination. Perfect on crackers and sublime brushed over chicken.

I recently joined this group and I am so excited to tell you  about what I have made so far. My fellow blogger Marisa over at  Food in Jars started this Mastery Challenge.  The first challenge is marmalade and it’s been fun seeing everyone’s creations so far! I got the recipe from the new Ball cookbook, but you can use any recipe you want.  For more information you can visit her page Food in Jars Mystery Challenge  to get more information.

Over the past year I have done a lot of canning. I usually make a basket with Bread and Butter Pickles, Hot Honey Mustard, Apple Butter and Salsa to name a few, I then give them away as Christmas gifts.

I hadn’t made a marmalade this far, it was on my to do list. So to say I looked forward to the challenge would be a understatement.

This Marmalade I will be making again. It was so good. To be honest I wasn’t sure about the combination, but it really works. It has inspired me to make more combinations.

Print Recipe

Cranberry Onion Marmalade


2 large red onions sliced thin
3/4 cup chopped dried cranberries
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup cider vinegar
2 teaspoons grated orange peel
3 cups apple juice unsweetened
1 box powdered pectin
4 cups granulated sugar


To prepare the jars and lids I put all my jars in the dishwasher and run a cycle without detergent. I put the lids (flat round portion) in a small sauce pan and cover with water and simmer until i am ready to use them. I leave the screw bands at room temp because they are easier to apply when they are not screaming hot.

In a skillet over medium heat combine red onions, cranberries brown sugar and vinegar. Place a lit on the top and allow to sweat until onions are translucent. It should take about 10 minutes. Crank up the heat and add the orange peel, apple juice and pectin. Bring to a full boil. Add sugar and stir. Bring to a boil allowing sugar to melt. I usually add a candy thermometer at this point and bring it up to 220 degrees. I do this to ensure that it gels properly. Skim off foam as it bubbles.

Ladle hot marmalade into hot jars leaving about 1.4 inch head space. Wipe rim and crew lid on to finger tip tight. Place in a water bath. Make sure the water is 2-3 inches above the jars. Bring to a boil and then process 15 minutes. Wait 5 minutes and remove jars to cool.

Peace be with you,
