Craft Beer of the Month Club

By Blake

For Christmas I got the best gift anyone could ask for. What’s that you might ask? Well my wife’s parents subscribed me to a beer of the month club from the Original Craft Beer Club!

What is the Original Craft Beer Club?
The Original Craft Beer Club finds delightful craft brews from around the country and delivers them to your doorstep. Every selection is produced by independent brewers around the US. In addition to traditional bottled beers, they also embrace the hundreds of small craft brewers around the country that offer their hand-crafted beers in cans.

How it works.
Every other month, a box featuring 4 different beers (3 each) from across the US is delivered right to my door.  The boxes are extremely well packed so, no worries of a broken bottle arriving.  I like the fact they include fact sheets about the breweries they are sending that month which also includes recipes for food that paired well with the beers. It’s a great way to be able to try new brews that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to!

And Craft Beer Club selects some good ones!

The beer and informational brochures:

The first box comes with a few gifts – some glasses and a bottle opener:

As well as some tasty snacks:

Now I’ll be honest I’ve never done a beer in the mail type club before because I like to have control over the beers I buy but after receiving my first package I must say I’m pretty happy with what they sent. All 4 beers I’d never tried before. This months had beers from Sierra Blanca and Elysian Brewing.

Be looking for my post next week with reviews of the beers from Sierra Blanca and Elysian Brewing.