Crabtree & Evelyn La Source Body Lotion

By Newwithhashtags @NewWithHashtags
Review of: Crabtree & Evelyn La Source Body Lotion

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On January 3, 2013Last modified:March 18, 2013


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I’ve mentioned in my review for the Crabtree & Evelyn La Source 60 Second Fix for Feet that I absolutely love the smell of the La Source range. It’s a smell that’s fresh and light, clean and refreshing, so it’s no wonder to me that Hilton hotels choose to have it in their bathrooms. It’s because of this that the La Source smell reminds me of holidaying, of adventures and liminal times filled with excitement and relaxation. Now, whenever I smell the La Source range I’m reminded of that holiday feeling so it’s no wonder that all of the products within the La Source collection often take priority.

The body lotion is one of my favourites because it’s so soft and smooth. It’s creamy without being really thick and sticky. The body lotion spreads well and goes from white to clear when it’s rubbed in, drying within seconds of applications. Your skin is left feeling refreshed and moisturised for the rest of the day, which is why I usually put the body lotion on after my shower.

As it’s a lotion it’s not as thick as a body or hand cream so it’s more gentle on your skin. It nourishes your skin with its marine extracts, moisturises with glycerine and soothes with aloe vera, and that’s what makes it perfect for a daily lotion, all year round. It won’t suffocate your skin, or make it oily or greasy; this lotion dries completely matte and makes you feel silky smooth all over. Areas such as hands and feet will likely need a thicker and more intensive cream though, and your face will probably be better with a special face cream, but this Crabtree & Evelyn La Source Body Lotion is great for everywhere else.

It is a little expensive at £16 for 250ml compared to high street brands such as Nivea, but the difference is evident. This body lotion will last you a very long time, and gives you perfect amounts of lotion with its pump top meaning that you won’t waste a drop of the lotion and it won’t become contaminated. Definitely get this now for a crisp and fresh finish to your fragrance ensemble, and a soothing result for soft skin.