Are you having difficulty focusing on the future? Are you just getting into university but have no direction? You aren't alone. Going after your graduate certificate is nearly impossible if you aren't sure what your discipline is going to be. There are countless students who still attend university that haven't made up their minds!
You're different, and you want to graduate. It's a noble venture that opens you up to numerous job opportunities. If you're having difficulty reading the terrain and choosing a career path, follow these 7 tips. You'll have a better idea of where you'd like to go in no time.
Understand Yourself
One of the biggest things you can do for yourself is to get to know the real you. You need to understand your strengths, your weaknesses, your motivations, your likes and your dislikes. This isn't an easy task, but no one said it would be. That's another great thing about university. With so many clubs to join and opportunities to be had, you'll be able to discover what you're about in no time.
Challenge Assumptions
As you go through the motions at university, don't be afraid to examine different career paths. You may have a certain view about a certain career path. Don't discount it quite yet. It's foolhardy to simply dismiss something because you think you know what it's about. University is a place of higher learning, and you can't learn if you close your mind to opportunities.
Consider What You're Good At
As you're getting to better understand yourself, you'll begin to find out your strengths and weaknesses. Your strengths are your skills, and they can help guide you to your diploma. If you have a talent for writing and research, humanities may be a good direction. If you are interested in fauna, biology could be an excellent path to walk. Discover which skills you possess and follow that route.
Do Research
An important aspect through all of this is to read about your fields of interest. By doing some research into each career, you can get a sense of what has happened in the field, where it came from, and where it's going. Having a sense of its direction may point you in a positive direction yourself.
Find Mentorship
Finding someone in the department is a great way to find advice on your career path. On top of doing research on the topic, having a qualified professional there to give you direction can be beneficial. With the right mentor in your chosen field of study, you can have an ally to help you get into the industry when you're ready.
Ask Around
Mentorship from your professor is one thing, but asking people who work in that field is arguably better for building your knowledge base. These people will be able to tell you about the highs and lows of that field while giving you an idea of the skills you'll need to succeed in that career.
Do An Internship
Another great route to explore that can help you find direction is through an internship. This is especially good if you've narrowed your focus to an occupation. Now is a great time to get in the field and explore the job in person. You'll receive real-world experience and really get a sense of what that particular field has to offer. If you like it, you can pursue it. If you don't, you won't have spent years studying something you didn't like!
Choose Your Career Path With Your Heart, Not Your Head
Choosing a career based on the boost to your bank account isn't ideal. If you are serious about picking the right path, get to know yourself. Ask people who are in the field, do your research, and try it out when the time is right. Only then will you know if it's the right call for you.