Cooking With Vegetable Oils Releases Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Are you cooking with vegetable oils? According to lead scientists, that can be really unhealthy. When heated these oils release toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases. So do not use corn oil or sunflower oil for cooking.

The Telegraph: Cooking with vegetable oils releases toxic cancer-causing chemicals, say experts

Olive oil (containing mainly monounsaturated fat) is a better option for cooking, but not great.

The best option for cooking is saturated fats, like coconut oil, butter or lard. These fats can stand a lot of heat without transforming into poison.

More on the dangers of heated vegetables

Note that these oils are another example of vegetables/plants turning into cancer-causing substances when overheated. The most cancer-causing substance on earth is also a plant:

Vegetables Proven to Cause Cancer

This is not an attack on vegetables, or a way of saying that meat is better. It's just a fact that both processed meat (like bacon) and processed plants (like oils, or tobacco leaves) contain cancer-causing substances when they have been overheated.

Don't use too excessive heat when cooking. Make sure the food you cook can handle the heat.


Learn much more about the myth of vegetable oils in these videos with Nina Teicholz: